Human-Robot Interaction

In addition to the work I described on human-computer interaction, I was inspired by a former engineering colleague at Notre Dame, Matthias Scheutz, to consider how the general question of "human likeness" might influence human-robot interaction as well.  That inspiration has led to studies of how humans perceive or anthropomorphize robots and how those perceptions affect interactions with and attributions made toward the robot.  Our published work in this area thus far is shown below. 

Shermerhorn, P., Scheutz, M, and Crowell, C. R.. (2008). Robot social presence and gender: do females view robots differently than males? Proceedings of the 3nd ACM IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Amsterdam, Netherlands: ACM/IEEE.

Crowell, C., Shermerhorn, P., Scheutz, M. & Villano, M. (2009). Social presence effects of gendered voice and robot entities: perceptions and preconceptions, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, St. Louis, MO: IEEE-RSJ.

Hayes, C. J., Crowell, C. R., & Riek, L. D. (2013). Automatic processing of irrelevant co-speech gestures with human but not robot actors. Proceedings of the 6th ACM IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Tokyo, Japan: ACM/IEEE.  

Crowell, C., Deska, J.C., Villano, M., Zenk, J., Roddy, J,T.  (2019). Anthropomorphism of Robots: Study of Appearance and Agency. JMIR Human Factors, 6(2), e12629.  IF = 4.85.