Basic Process Analogues with Humans

Thinking Man

My early basic learning research with animals set the stage for my later interest in exploring how basic learning principles might apply to human populations and/or how they could be studied in humans using paradigms analogous to those used with animal subjects. Pursuring this line of work with human poulations, along with related work described under other of my research interest links, assumed an even greater importance when it became evident I would not be able to continue basic research with animals.

Some of my published work along these lines is listed below.  Additional related work can be found under other research interest links.

Crowell, C. R. (1976). Fear of crime: Overview and bibliography. In J. Kromkowski, Neighborhood deterioration and juvenile crime. South Bend: Urban Observatory.

Konarski, E. A., Jr. Johnson, M. R., Crowell, C. R., & Whitman, T. L. (1980). Response deprivation and reinforcement in applied settings: A preliminary analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 13, 595-609.

Quintanar, L. R., Cacioppo, J. T., Crowell, C. R., Sklar, J. A., & Snyder, C. W. (1981). Comparative effects of cranial vasoconstriction and digital vasodilation feedback on migraine. Psychophysiology, 18, 159-160 (Abstract).

Konarski, E. A., Jr., Johnson, M. R., Crowell, C. R., & Whitman, T. L. (1981). An alternative approach to reinforcement for applied researchers: Response deprivation. Behavior Therapy, 12, 653-666.

Konarski, E. A., Jr., Crowell, C. R., Johnson, M. R., & Whitman, T. L. (1982). Response deprivation, reinforcement, and instrumental academic performance in an EMR classroom. Behavior Therapy, 13, 94-102.

Konarski, E. A., Crowell, C. R., & Duggan, L. M. (1985). Use of the response deprivation hypothesis to increase the academic performance of EMR students. Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 6, 15-31.

Hantula, D. A. & Crowell, C. R. (1991). Experience or framing? Further inquiry into the dynamics of persistence and escalation of commitment. Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 54, 198-204.

Hantula, D. A., & Crowell, C. R. (1994). Intermittent reinforcement and escalation processes in sequential decision making: A replication and theoretical analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 14, 7-36.

Hantula, D. A., & Crowell, C. R. (1994). Investment choices in a multiple alternative environment: Escalation of commitment or behavioral contrast? Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 607-617.

Hantula, D. A., & Crowell, C. R. (2015).  Matching and Behavioral Contrast in a Two-Option Repeated Investment Simulation. Managerial and Decision Economics. doi: 10.1002/mde.2717