PSY 43684-Seminar in OBM

PSY 43684 is taught in Spring semesters.

Course Description: This discussion oriented seminar will examine the principles, methods, and selected applications in the field of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM). Like Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IOP), OBM shares the common goal of improving corporate or organizational success, but it relies on established behavioral techniques and direct interventions, rather than the more diverse and eclectic methods characteristic of IOP. Along with an acclaimed text in the field, students will read and discuss original OBM research, review, and theoretical articles. Some class time will be set aside for discussion of relevant articles or other OBM topics, and students will be required to complete a final project that could involve a research review paper, the results of a modest OBM intervention conducted on campus during the semester, or a detailed proposal for a performance improvement plan developed to assist a local business or campus group. 

A recent syllabus is here.